Okay, so I'm gonna bitch for a bit here...
Are you Fucking kidding me that the 3-D mark up on movies is now SIX DOLLARS?????
and for IMAX 3-D it's SEVEN?
I mean, what the fuck? The movies aren't any better because they're in 3-D. A shitty ass movie is a shitty ass movie. You don't even get to keep your glasses.
It's good to know that the greed of Hollywood is willing to screw the fans over so that they end up NOT seeing movies. Dumb asses, people are broke right now. The 12 bucks you want us to pay for a shitty out of focus, bad sounding film is to much to begin with. Now you're charging us 18 bucks for the same thrill.
Look, I think 3-D can be cool, like "Avatar" or "Space Station 3-D", you know, something shot in 3-D. Although honestly to me it was just sort of distracting. A good movie can bring people into the story no matter what 3-D bells & whistles it has. (See "Up In The Air" for an example).
Hollywood doesn't seem to realize that they are going to KILL YOUR OWN INDUSTRY. People won't go. Sure, for a few months everyone will be like "wow, 3-D, I've got to be wowed!", but when movie tickets keep going up every year...and now this...and movies don't necessarily get any better... it's only a matter of time before people think of something else to do with their time.
On top of that, by years end everyone's going to have 3-D in their home, with Blu-Ray and then what? If I can BUY the damn movie for $30 (or less if I just wait a few months), why on earth would I go to see it in a movie theater with a bunch of texting kids and annoying talking people? It just doesn't make sense. And then you have Disney's shrinking the window to release the DVD's to 2 months. Alice is still going to be in theaters when it comes out on Blu-Ray and DVD. Why not wait to buy it once you have 3-D in your home? Or better yet, RENT the damn thing, then Hollywood really makes nothing.
All this makes me sad because I LOVE movies. I love the excitement. The big screen, the energy of an audience paying attention and enveloped in the magical world only movies can create. But now I have to be so much more particular about what I go see because it's gonna be 18 bucks (since EVERY movie coming out by years end is going to be 3-D). And that ends up with me just not seeing as many movies as I want to.
Greed runs this town, we all know that. But it's a shame to think that for a quick buck they'll fuck the fans over, rather than say, "we're going to give you an experience you CAN'T get at home. And we're not going to rape your pocketbook for it. That way, you keep coming back."
Long term thinking people, not instant gratification. I hope you enjoy your new Mercedes with the profits from 3-D studio execs and theater owners, because 3 years from now you're going to have to mortgage your house because you will have killed the movie business and will be out of a job.
Now let me go downstairs, turn on my projector, crank the sound as loud as I want and watch a kick ass movie with no interruptions.