
Sunday, April 7, 2013

JURASSIC PARK 3D... Hell Yeah!

I saw JURASSIC PARK in 3D at the Dome...
and I have to say:  HELL YEAH!

That is what summer blockbusters are all about. The f/x are Flawless even 20 years later. It still fills with wonder and terror. 

The 3D looked great. I'm glad they did such a good job on it. I would choose to see it in IMAX if I were to do it again, as the dome's curved screen and choice of 3d systems adds some weird ghosting at times. But still, it was really cool. The raptors and the t-rex were so real!

The sound was also great. Though as good as the sound was, it wasn't like the Northpark in Dallas, TX in 1993. When the T-Rex walked, the seats actually vibrated. You felt the air rush past your head. Man I miss that place.

It made me so happy to see it, to take that journey again. To believe in the power of movies, and the wonder of the world...

...and it also makes me a little sad to think how many of the great people that created it are no longer with us (the great Stan Winston and Michael Crichton), or have fallen so far in their accomplishments (Spielberg) (I'm sure some will debate this, but for me he hasn't made a great movie in so long. And there used to be nothing more exciting than the words "A Steven Spielberg film" on a poster.)

It's sort of like Richard Attenborough's character. I felt so sorry for him. His dream was so big and he wanted to give joy so much, but in the end nature (and life) has other plans. Even so, for 2 hours Dinosaurs lived in 1993. And for 2 hours they lived again tonight.
